through the pain

>> October 20, 2010

You may be out there today hurting at a level so deep, many do not understand. Maybe you have gone through a tragic loss, were betrayed by the one closest to you or are experiencing the worst financial situation you have faced to date.

I want you to know you are not alone.

While others may not know what you are going through, God does. While others may not feel the heartache you are experiencing, the Lord knows. Life has a tendency to throw serious curve balls; completely unexpected. I want to encourage you today that whatever you are going through, God is going to pull greatness out.

Look past your pain and focus on the Word of God. Even if you feel you have been run over by a truck and all you can utter is "one word", close your eyes and utter the name of "Jesus."

I'm reminded of the hymn, I need thee... Lord, I need thee, every hour I need thee... it's Him that can heal your heart, your mind, your emotions and hold you like none other.

When you're "in ministry" there is not always the opportunity to talk to someone about what's going on. I encourage you today, through your pain, put some worship music on and talk to Him - the author and finisher of our faith, the Balm of Gilead. There is purpose in your pain, look for it, don't waste it.


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