PW regional luncheon...
>> June 10, 2009
When my PH first started working in Georgia, I didn't participate or connect with other PWs for the first 3 years. He kept urging me to stop my self-imposed loneliness and be more friendly. I kept replying that since I was the new chick, the other PWs shouldn't make me do all the work!
Eventually, I got over myself and started showing up at a few events and activities. I'm glad I did, 'cause I've made some great friends since!
Every year, our region offers a spring luncheon for PWs from all around. During this year's camp meeting (see yesterday's post), I attended with about 100 other PWs of all ages. This particular luncheon is a no-miss event - great food, good speakers and lots of laughter makes it a must.The speaker, Paula Montrose, shared her story of being a pastor's wife in the country of Guyana. When they moved to the USA, Paula begged her husband to stay away from the ministry. For 10 years he did other things, until he felt called to pastor again. The second time around, God gave Paula a love for ministry and people that she hadn't felt before.
Paula challenged the PW audience to embrace the fact that when we married our husbands, God also called us to the ministry in our own right. She urged us to refuse being trapped in any box that limits our gifts and talents, and instead to seek every opportunity to serve people side by side with our husbands as colleagues in ministry.
Afterwards I got a photo with her to share with CLUTCH.Before the luncheon, I put a CLUTCH card at each place setting, so young PWs could join as readers, and older PWs could have the information for themselves or to share with younger friends. They also gave a keychain to every attendee, with a single mustard seed embedded in the center, and engraved with the text "If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed..."
Last, 10 lucky PWs had a slip of paper hidden under their plates, with a winning number on it. I NEVER win anything, anywhere - but this time I got lucky!
Becky Owens, a PW and nature photographer from TN had donated one of her framed photographs as a prize for the luncheon. Now I'll just have to find a good place to display it at home!
(Next year, I offered to crochet an afghan to give away as a prize - and other women offered their handiwork as well.)
Have you ever attended a PW luncheon? Do you regularly connect with PWs in your area through any activities? Got any ideas to share?
How fun! And what a treat to meet so many other PWs!
I just need help to get one started. One for the PW's and for children of PW's. They are often forgotten about.
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