BSF. go!

>> December 29, 2008

If more Bible study and spiritual growth are on your list of resolutions for 2009, then, may I suggest that you look into Bible Study Fellowship? BSF is an interdenominational Bible study class for women (though they have men's classes). You meet in small groupgs to review the homework, listen to a lecture and sing. This year we're studying the life of Moses and going through, chapter by chapter, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. I don't know what you may have heard about BSF in the past, good or bad, but if you've ever considered attending, let me give you an extra nudge.

You can find BSF classes all over the country, all over the world, actually.

Here's why I think it's perfect for pastor's wives:

  • You can attend and no one has to know you're a PW (no expectations).
  • You can attend a women's Bible study and you don't have to host, prepare, clean up, make snacks.
  • It starts and ends on time.
  • You meet new people outside of your church circle.
  • You learn. You grow. You love your Bible more. You love God more.
  • You can take your kids to the children's program where they learn from the same passages you're studying (starting with age 2).
  • There's daily homework to keep you studying throughout the week.
  • It's free (though they accept offerings).
For those of you who attend really high-tech services with a huge band, lights, praise team and jumbo trons, you might be in for some culture shock. BSF is extremely low-tech. It's church UnPlugged (except for mics and an overhead, that's not a typo...not powerpoint....overhead projector). You'll sing from the host church's hymnal accompanied by a volunteer pianist. No matter. It's a rewarding experience and I encourage you to check out the website, find a class near you and contact the class administrator. Or you can just show up at the first meeting of the month when they have intro classes for new people.

Anybody else here a BSFer, like me? What other "systems" of Bible study have helped you keep your nose in the Word?


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