when his ministry cramps your style... (part2)

>> November 17, 2008

(read part 1)

It's a high calling, I know. Wait! Let me introduce myself. I'm Delina. As a PWs in my early 30s, I've often thought it would be much easier to embrace biblical womanhood if I was married to Joe the Plumber. As Sarah discussed, we can all think of plenty of reasons why being a PW might be undesirable, inconvenient, annoying, or as I like to say, "cramping my style." At face-value, you can live your life resenting your husband's call to ministry or you can choose to step it up a notch. Or maybe a few notches.

But what does this look like? It might be that you won't allow your career aspirations to compete with his. It might mean you'll intentionally seek out friends in unexpected places when you live someplace you don't want to live, away from family, friends and anything familiar or comfortable. It may mean that you'll ask God for a heart change when you're resentful because you're moving away from each district just as you were finally beginning to feel at home and make friends. I don't know what it'll look like for you. But God does. And I know that when you submit your dreams and desires to Him, you can be assured that His plans for you exceed your wildest imagination. They're good.

Trust that he has a plan to use your gifts, skills, experience, knowledge, interests. More importantly, know that He's intensely interested in molding you into the woman He created you to be.

I will never forget the words of one wise woman who, during our time in Seminary, told me: "God brought you together, so always know that your husband's calling and your calling will never lead you in opposite directions."

The next time something seems to be "cramping your style," I invite you to step back and ask God to change your heart and your perspective to better reflect His plans. Ask Him to help you figure out what to cling to, and what to let go of in your life.

No, it's not easy to, above your own desires, take up the role as helper, encourager and partner in ministry. But it's what the awesome, infallible, infinitely wise, and providential Creator of the Universe designed for you. He's entrusting this awesome task to you. It really is your calling too.

So, tell us, have you ever felt like you and your husband were being pulled in two different directions?Have you ever felt like you were competing with his calling to ministry or there didn't seem to be room in your lives for both of you to pursue your individual callings?


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