January 17, 2012

Guest Post:: Amy Argo high heels, confidence and Jesus

Amy Argo is the wife of a staff Pastor in Alabama. She wrote a fantastic blog post I wanted to share with you. You can connect with Amy on FB or check out her blog.

I am such a girlie girl when it comes to shoes. I LOVE them. If I had unlimited funding, I would have a closet the size of Rhode Island filled with them.

Lately, I have been wearing a lot of flats. They are comfortable. I have said on many occasions "if I have comfortable shoes (and pockets) I can conquer the world."
Today, I had an interview for a job much closer to home so I decided to wear heels. And as I walked from the parking deck this morning, I contemplated why I did this. Hey, God talks to me in unique ways. I don't question it. I just listen.

Do you notice that when you are wearing high heels you walk differently? You are more conscious of the way you walk. At least I am. I am not what you call graceful. That was a bit of an understatement. I tend to be klutzy, that is more accurate. So while in theory, I love high heels, I tend to shy away from them for the fear of falling on my face. Going back to my long walk in from the parking deck this morning, I noticed that when I walk in high heels that I am more aware of how I walk, I tend to stand up straighter, to be perfectly honest while they make me nervous on one hand, they actually make me feel more confident at the same time.

I think walking with God is a lot like walking in high heels.
High heels take me out of my comfort zone.
High heels make me focus more on my walk.
High heels give me added height and confidence.
High heels tend to make me walk slower and with more purpose.

High heels are good for my walk, even though there is a hint of fear in wearing them. I don't fear the shoes themselves....I love them. It's me, walking in the shoes I fear. Will I make them look bad? Will I fall and scuff horribly? Will I completely embarrass myself and want to hide?

Ever taken a leap of faith? Feels a lot like that.

I started listening to the audio book of Steven Furtick, Sun Stand Still in my car this morning during the long commute. He talks about "audacious faith." I don't think it was a coincidence that I began listening to this and wore high heels for the first time in a long time today. I think they go together. At least in my mind they do.

God is calling me out. I am excited, but I have that hint of fear that I will fall on my face. But I am not worried....Faith makes me more aware of my walk, stand taller, and more confidently. Causing me to rely on Him to carry me.

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