May 16, 2011

public - private - charter - homeschool

When it comes to our children, we all want them to receive the best education possible. Some families decide on private school or operate a private school of their own within the church. Some families do pubic or charter schools while other family’s home-school. Not one is greater than the other because each family has to make the best decision for their respective family unit. I have two boys, in the fall of 2010 our oldest entered Kindergarten. Prior to the fall of 2010 I cannot tell you how much I wrestled with how to move forward with his education.

Should I do public?

Should I do private?

What in the world is a charter school anyways?

If I homeschool is that going to work for our family dynamic and what curriculum do I use?

This was not an easy decision. I kid you not that I prayed, fasted, interviewed, surveyed well respected, well rounded pastors’ wives and women in ministry from different parts of the country. It was not a decision I made over “the summer” or "the year prior." I must preface you that in efforts to prep the boys for their journey into the education world, I launch Legacy Academy. Yes folks, with my Type A personality I launched a full fledge Texas state licensed early childhood learning center. Owned and operated from 2006-2010. It was wonderful; seriously God sent us fabulous parents, children, subs for that season. To remain focused with my original intent for launch, which was for the educational advancement of my boys; in early spring 2010 I sold the business. It was perfect timing as that fall my oldest would enter Kinder and I was personally expounding on new endeavors.

After much prayer I had peace with our local elementary; technically a Texas exemplary school. As some of you (gasp) yes it was public. It was honestly a brand new school, two years old that had a layout future school districts will adopt incorporating a neighborhood type design of only k-5 & 1st in one region; so on throughout a two story school with the latest equipment (such as Macs) to enhance their educational experience. I toured the school, as if it was private, met the staff, administration, spoke with teachers on various grade levels; I did my homework folks. As I did the same with the local private schools, charter schools and homeschooling co-op type groups. Public school in LISD was the route for us. We had a wonderful school year, blessed with a Christian principle, teachers, coaches etc. which is not common in the Austin region. And then came the end of year, which meant rezoning. We live in a young community (meaning lots of people are my age, having babies, building houses, occupying till Jesus comes by growing) so with the extensive growth came re-zoning. Marcus got rezoned to a new school. I’m sure it’s awesome to some, but wasn’t what his existing school is and unless we plan on up and moving a few streets over which could technically be re-zoned three more times before sixth grade, I started searching for options.

To my wonderful discovery in the fall of 2011 our county is launching a charter school hosting an international bachelorette program beginning at primary grade level. That is HUGE for this area, and for my family; but one catch, they were full. Yes, that’s right even before they opened a wait list. Long story short, cutting out all the details – guess what??? WE ARE IN and I couldn’t be more excited as we embark this new educational journey! No more re-zoning and love the top notch educational aspect!

With all that said, what type of school have you decided your child will attend?


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