May 10, 2011

guest post: you be you

I would like to introduce you to Heather Moore. Heather loves the local church and has given her life to ministry. She serves at Christ Fellowship Tampa where her husband, Bruce is the Senior Pastor. They are on a journey of a lifetime as they have traded everything of importance in their lives in an attempt to save a dying church in the heart of the city. Heather is a proud mommy to Gwendloyn and has just written her first book with her husband set to publish in the spring of 2012 by NavPress. Connect with her on Twitter, Facebook or blog.

There can’t be anything more agonizing than pretending to be something you are not. It takes so much time, energy, and effort to be someone other than you. Yet, at one time or another every pastor’s wife feels like she cannot be herself.

But that is simply not true. God creates each us with distinctive personalities, uniqueness and talents. Why would God create us in His image only to be pressed into a mold of someone else? The best gift you can give your local church is to simply Be You!

Don’t look behind you: Just because the former pastor’s wife did a certain thing doesn’t mean you have to. After all, she is gifted with a different set of talents and life experiences than you. Celebrating the impact of her ministry does not mean you have to fill her role. Give yourself permission to minister in a different way than she.

Glance beside you: We all have women who serve as contemporary role models. Having inspiring women around us is important, but don’t fall into the trap that you have to look like her, act like her, or copy what she does. I fall prey to the copycat syndrome. I see so many amazing women of God accomplishing so much. Their life seems exciting as they travel, speak and tweet about all the interesting people they meet. Meanwhile, I am at home struggling to potty train my two year old. Most of these women are in different seasons of life. Their children are grown. For me to copy their ministry would be disastrous. I can learn from them. They can inspire me. But, I cannot copy who they are nor can I perform the assignments God has given them.

Look to God: God is a giving God. One of His favorite things to do is to bless His creation. Not only does He bestow each of us with varying gifts, but He also gives us specific opportunities to utilize those gifts. It would make no sense to have gifts but no way to use them. Ask God to show you how to use your gifts.

By combining your gifts with ministry opportunities, you’ll be You!

So, Pastor’s Wives what’s the most freeing thing about just being YOU?

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  1. What a great post! I'm so new to the PW role and I have such a Southern, "different" personality. I am not a cute little size 3 PW like I picture every other one in my head (seriously, I do!).

    I am learning from great friends like you and Veronica and many others that I just need to "look to God" and be the person He has created.

    My freedom: God made me this way and put me right smack-dab in the South... where He wants me!

    Wonderful post!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Love your post! Great words of wisdom and encouragement. I am only recently learning to just be me and "me" is ok. It's a lot less stressful! Hope you don't mind, I am sharing the link to this article on my FB page. (Thanks, Melissa, for the tip!)

  3. Thanks for sharing ladies - what I love about being a PW is we can celebrate each others uniqueness!
