February 13, 2011

intimate history

This post is for the ministry families out there that are “going through stuff.” Everyone encounters trials and it can be difficult to celebrate, be romantic, have a cheerful attitude when money is more than tight; it’s short! When there is so much stress and frustration in the air; it seems like it’s better to be silent. When the kids are smarting off as a result of the tension in the house and nothing seems to be going right.

I would like to introduce the concept of intimate history. What is intimate history? I read a book by Serita Jakes; Bishop TD Jakes wife entitled Beside Every Good Man. She explains on pages 102-105 that intimate history is:

· Trials suffered together
· Goals accomplished together
· Seasons celebrated together

Wow, that is so true! So as you are going through what you are going through remember that you are building intimate history. According to Serita Jakes, shared history binds you together; I agree. So in the midst of your trial know you are building shared history, which will in time make your relationship stronger.

Father, I pray for my CLUTCH friends that are going through various situations. I ask in the name of Jesus that you begin to turn things around even now. Let them grasp the revelation that what they are going through today has the potential to make their relationships stronger; that difficult situations are good for our development. Give them the wisdom and the insight to handle each situation according to your will. Give them favor in areas they need favor, protection in areas they need a covering and if today there is someone out there who is at the end of their rope, Father I ask that you lengthen their cords and strengthen their stakes. That the Holy Spirit will infuse them with the ability to go on. In Jesus Name, Amen.


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