January 2, 2011

fresh start::2011


It’s here, it’s here, it’s here!!

Can you tell I’m excited?

Technically, you can have a fresh start any day of the year, but there's something special to me about laying one year at the feet of Jesus and starting all over again with another year.

I’m excited to personally plan for 2011. Of course we have our church calendar mapped out, all the major events and so on, but today I want to talk about YOU.

What do you have planned for 2011? Is there a particular goal you would like to accomplish? Would you say you are serious and wanting, or serious and willing?

At the end of 2009, while prepping goals for 2010, I set out to enroll back in school. And I did it! I completed Spring, Summer and Fall sessions successfully. What am I going back to school for you ask? To be an attorney! I’m working on earning my second degree and then moving forward with law school. When it’s all said and done, I will still be in my thirties, my babies will still be in elementary school and I will have fulfilled a personal life goal.

Did you catch that? A goal for me. So often we get caught up giving, giving and giving some more, to the extent that we are not growing ourselves. Then we're left feeling empty, broken and used.

Growing for you, doesn’t have to mean “going back to school” as it did for me; everyone has a different purpose in life. But today, I'm encouraging you to see how you can grow in 2011.

I'll go first: I've written downs several goals for 2011 regarding my growth as a wife, a mommy and a leading lady. For the sake of time, I'll just share one major goal - to get in shape! That’s right, you heard it here first - I need to get physically fit. I'll confess I'm a lover of Coca-Cola™ in a can; but I'll be switching to sparkling water. I love Red Bull™, but I'll be disciplining myself to get more hours of sleep. I hear the gym calling my name; we are already members. 

You, my friends, are my accountability partners. I will be tracking my progress on http://www.veronicabrown.tv/ so we stay connected!

Now let’s hear it, what are your goals for 2011? Don’t be shy, I want to hear from you!


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1 comment:

  1. My goal is to do less this year! Last year was so busy with a church plant, I wrote three books, have four children and released a CD! When I took stock towards the end of the year I realised that I had seriously done too much. This year I plan to do much LESS!
